Experience the total immersion whole plant food lifestyle retreat. Learn how to heal yourself from chronic lifestyle disease.
A beautiful series of waterfalls fill a granite pool and repays the seeker with refrehment and peace.
Window Veiw
Spice Bush
Trail Walking
Wild Grapes
Giant Sequoias and Dog wood
Sequoia National Park
Snow Drops
Sequoia National Park
Wall Flowers
Sequoia National Park
Dogwood Up-Close
Sequoia National Park
Let the Sunshine In
Livingroom/Dinning Area
Relaxation, Information and Inspiration.
Upstair Guestroom
The Mananita Room
Downstairs Guestroom
The Elderbery Room
Wild Iris
Sequoia National Forest
Miramonte, CA
Mariposa Lily
Sequoia National Forest
Sequoia National Forest
Ten-MIle Creek
Adjacent to Sequoia National Forest
Redwood Mountain
Sequoia National Forest
Tiger Lily
Sequoia National Forest
Lepopard Butterfy
Sequoia National Forest
We do not charge a fee to our guests. We do not exact a price for our hospitality, Freely we have recieved, freely we give.
At this time we are offering a three-day weekend retreat experience for FREE. We do not “charge” for our services . We are not a business. We consider our service to be a service of love to our fellow children of God. We do not set any prices for what we will do for you as our guests. We, in faith, believe that God will provide for our needs as we dedicate our time and means to minister to the healing of our brothers and sisters.
If you appreciate the help you receive, you gifts are appreciated to assist us in providing for the expenses of other guests who will come after you. However, no contribution is required. We only ask, if you are able and desire to help future guest (who may not be able to afford to contribute monetarily) that you consider the idea of helping to pay for some of expenses we incur to provide our accomodations. If you decide to do more, we would greatly appreciate your help.
Donations are not tax deductible, since we are not a 501-c non-profit. New Earth Wellness is a Mark 12:17-a non-profit* organization and gratefully accepts taxable donations from those who believe in our ministry. All contributions are strictly voluntary.
You have nothing to loose but your excessive weight, ill health and broken constitution. If you want further information contact us.
*Jesus answering said unto them, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marvelled at him. -Mark 12:17
Do not worry about being suduced by a cultic eastern or new age spiritual discipline. We do give honor to the all wise and kind Creator, but will not induce our guests to join any of our spiritual exercises, though all are invited and welcome observe of take part as they may desire.
No special or expensive herbs, vitamin or mineral fomulas are needed, when you eat your satisfaction all the whole, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and veges God has graciously suppied with all your needed nutrients.
Eat to you fill at every meal. God did not give you an over-sized stomach or appitite. When you eat the natural products of the earth only eating beyond the capacity of the stomach will be of harm.
You should not have to do math to enjoy a healthful and satisfying meal. No counting, carbs, exchange units, or calories, etc. Eat a wide variety of the right quality and the numbers take care of themselves!
A beautful system desinged by our Maker is simple and satisfying.